Friday September 06, 1907 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1907-09-06 were: Tariff, revenue, duties, duty, Tasmania

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday September 06, 1907 were:

Word Frequency
Tariff 78
revenue 69
duties 49
duty 46
Tasmania 39
great 37
Labour 35
industry 35
pay 34
Federation 32
industries 32
sugar 31
work 30
expenditure 29
policy 27
fact 27
interest 27
population 27
land 27
New South Wales 27
cent 26
amount 26
increase 26
country 26
large 26
cost 25
proposals 25
good 25
increased 23
trade 22
regard 22
find 22
money 22
manufacturers 21
men 21
wages 20
hope 20
price 20
deal 19
opinion 19
connexion 19
rate 19
Treasurer 19
per head 19
Customs 18
point 18
prepared 18
paid 18
scheme 18
protectionist 18
Customs and Excise 18
old age 18
view 17
system 17
consideration 17
sum 17
Labour Party 17
items 16
attention 16
tax 16
man 16
desire 16
hand 15
subject 15
papers 15
old age pensions 15
age pensions 15
favour 14
vote 14
free 14
protection 14
proper 14
Acting Prime Minister 14
Acting Prime 14
estimated 13
Federal 13
receive 13
immigration 13
purpose 13
total 13
bring 13
railway 13
Victoria 13
Sydney 12
reference 12
working 12
persons 12
figures 12
conditions 12
number 12
extent 12
market 12
enterprise 12
statement 12
recommendations 12
private 12
Queensland 12
paying 12
Commission 11
refer 11
return 11
Budget 11
place 11
financial 11
settlement 11
reasonable 11
case 11
proposed 11
reason 11
surely 11
absolutely 11
legislation 11
concerned 11
England 11
employes 11
Western Australia 11
penny postage 11
fair 10
primary 10
assistance 10
remember 10
Canada 10
representatives 10
increasing 10
adopt 10
represent 10
establishment 10
imports 10
higher 10
engaged 10
progress 10
kanakas 10
employed 10
article 10
Tariff Commission 10
sugar industry 10
General 9
debts 9
mail 9
surplus 9
meet 9
Conference 9
national 9
propose 9
respect 9
immigrants 9
imposition 9
adopted 9
provide 9
employment 9
wealth 9
introduced 9
community 9
order 9
thought 9
commercial 9
butter 9
Tasmanian 9
hear 9
power 9
fairly 9
consumer 9
Braddon section 9
per annum 9
taxation 8
public 8
difference 8
loss 8
friction 8
additional 8
Constitution 8
period 8
received 8
class 8
reports 8
understand 8
result 8
conclusion 8
circumstances 8
step 8
business 8
direction 8
failure 8
restrictions 8
told 8
experience 8
Excise revenue 8
Governor General 8
direct taxation 8
great deal 8
raw material 8
Party 7
High 7
called 7
laid 7
read 7
profit 7
satisfactory 7
excess 7
demand 7

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