Wednesday August 07, 1907 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1907-08-07 were: power, quarantine, officers, disease, plants

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday August 07, 1907 were:

Word Frequency
power 214
quarantine 172
officers 154
disease 126
plants 83
administration 72
regulations 71
measure 68
regard 61
laws 55
control 54
cases 51
deal 48
stock 47
desire 47
goods 43
ports 42
pests 42
view 42
veterinary surgeons 41
Acts 40
Departments 40
quarantine officer 40
place 38
exercise 38
local 37
work 37
authorities 35
fruit 35
point 35
persons 35
ports of entry 35
health 33
proposal 33
Constitution 32
Board 32
machinery 32
animals 31
action 31
Acting Prime Minister 31
Acting Prime 31
Federal 30
object 30
services 30
vessel 29
introduction 28
respect 28
legislation 28
instance 28
relation 27
proposed 27
effective 27
intention 27
order 26
connexion 26
inspection 26
member for Brisbane 26
opinion 25
prevent 25
public health 25
interfere 24
fact 24
Governor General 24
provisions 23
great 23
suggested 23
animals or plants 23
member for Corangamite 23
appointed 22
district 22
stock inspectors 22
authority 21
hope 21
Victoria 21
purpose 21
relating 20
orchards 20
propose 20
member for Bendigo 20
oversea quarantine 20
qualified medical 20
proclamation 19
exercised 19
proper 19
system 19
Queensland 19
interests 19
move 19
experience 19
qualified men 19
diseases affecting 19
oversea 18
spread 18
ship 18
dealt 18
step 18
carried 18
prepared 18
create 18
inspectors 17
arrangements 17
pass 17
paragraph 17
doubt 17
long 17
subject 17
stands 17
Tasmania 17
internal 17
concerned 17
dealing 17
provide 17
intend 17
administer 17
administered 17
properly qualified 17
men 16
area 16
circumstances 16
require 16
reason 16
extent 16
passing 16
leave 16
appointment 16
New South Wales 16
Quarantine Department 16
read 15
protection 15
wise 15
constitutional 15
passed 15
satisfied 15
opportunity 15
exists 15
appoint 14
definition 14
hands 14
term 14
operation 14
greater 14
result 14
understand 14
qualified veterinary surgeon 14
duly qualified 14
qualified veterinary 14
public 13
considerable 13
reference 13
land 13
include 13
functions 13
Federation 13
referred 13
clear 13
difficulty 13
argument 13
declare 13
properties 13
member for Flinders 13
Federal authority 13
central authority 13
word 12
commerce 12
asked 12
notice 12
carry 12
duty 12
consideration 12
large 12
vegetation 12
attention 12
thought 12
limit 12
kind 12
knowledge 12
plague 12
importation 12
carrying 12
secure 12
objection 12
existing 12
portion 12
parts 12
Federal Government 12
States Acts 12
affecting animals 12
human beings 12
medical man 12
plant life 12
pest affecting 12
central 11
conditions 11
additional 11
suggestion 11
restrictions 11
force 11
prevention 11
reasonable 11
administering 11

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