Friday August 24, 1906 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1906-08-24 were: bounty, bounties, Trade and Customs, Minister of Trade, measure

The 178 most common words used in parliament on Friday August 24, 1906 were:

Word Frequency
bounty 44
bounties 41
Trade and Customs 33
Minister of Trade 32
measure 30
industry 28
proposed 24
absence 21
industries 21
consideration 20
regard 20
expenditure 20
amount 18
payment 17
money 15
case 15
proposal 15
production 15
view 14
sugar 14
work 12
order 12
period 12
scheme 12
oil 11
charge 10
large 10
experience 10
schedule 10
entitled 10
assistance 10
member for Grey 10
asked 9
vote 9
products 9
officer 9
fact 9
connexion 9
benefit 9
agricultural 9
community 9
encourage 9
bonuses 9
bonus 9
desire 9
paid 9
spent 9
responsible 9
receive 9
growers 9
intentions 9
olive oil 9
reason 8
answer 8
good 8
country 8
knowledge 8
proper 8
difficulty 8
deal 8
bounty system 8
olive 7
duties 7
opinion 7
secure 7
interests 7
provided 7
understand 7
practice 7
coffee 7
bv 7
established 7
objection 7
direction 7
point 7
full 7
place 7
told 7
payment of bounties 7
Executive Council 7
second reading 7
General 6
Executive 6
granting 6
military 6
notice 6
business 6
generally 6
administration 6
necessity 6
clerical 6
increase 6
public 6
adopted 6
enter 6
session 6
relating 6
expended 6
small 6
propose 6
stage 6
limitation 6
expend 6
power 6
persons 6
success 6
brought 6
control 6
produced 6
member for Echuca 6
member for North 6
whole amount 6
Customs 5
sum 5
producers 5
inspectors 5
Queensland 5
purposes 5
number 5
profitable 5
justifiable 5
steps 5
approved 5
arrangement 5
hear 5
payable 5
protest 5
reference 5
cotton 5
encouragement 5
intended 5
introduced 5
fair 5
establish 5
great 5
distributed 5
total 5
amendments 5
attention 5
butter 5
price 5
farmers 5
respect 5
absent 5
criticisms 5
moment 5
machinery 5
carrying 5
supervision 5
provide 5
suggestion 5
statement 5
engaged 5
articles 5
Excise 5
see no reason 5
sum of money 5
North Sydney 5
Vice President 5
take charge 5
Department of Agriculture 4
General Post Office 4
Post Office Sydney 4
asked to vote 4
granting of bounties 4
General Post 4
Labour Party 4
Office Sydney 4
Post Office 4
South Australia 4
States Departments 4
large sum 4
new products 4
per annum 4
primary producers 4
private enterprise 4
protective duties 4
ten years 4

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