Thursday August 03, 1905 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1905-08-03 were: Commission, Ireland, union, goods, trade mark

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday August 03, 1905 were:

Word Frequency
Commission 183
Ireland 147
union 130
goods 116
trade mark 88
great 85
men 84
man 78
public 76
work 68
trade union 64
unionists 63
law 61
case 58
evidence 56
fact 55
conditions 55
union label 55
point 52
manufacturer 52
interests 51
Irish 50
report 49
article 49
England 49
labour 48
country 48
regard 47
label 46
opinion 46
proposal 46
non unionists 46
industries 45
desire 44
view 44
power 44
employer 43
duty 42
legislation 41
place 39
measure 39
motion 38
subject 37
object 37
Chairman 36
Home Rule 35
deal 34
manufacture 34
Attorney General 34
Tariff Commission 34
political 33
business 33
Great Britain 33
statement 31
working 31
word 31
attempt 31
Empire 30
instance 30
number 30
workers 30
order 29
long 29
system 28
Tariff 27
vote 27
proposed 27
person 27
reason 26
absolutely 26
General 25
understand 25
factory 25
Senate 24
taxation 24
land 24
Melbourne Ports 24
union labour 24
industry 23
duties 23
connexion 23
find 23
admit 23
occasion 23
member for Melbourne 23
read 22
attention 22
affairs 22
passed 22
Victoria 21
brought 21
kind 21
circumstances 21
dealing 21
side 21
Imperial 20
Commissioners 20
appointed 20
inquiry 20
form 20
thought 20
Acts 20
hope 19
action 19
principle 19
Surely 19
speaking 19
respect 19
representatives 19
concerned 19
making 19
Constitution 19
factories 19
things 19
advantage 19
fair 19
America 19
Lord 18
session 18
purpose 18
consideration 18
character 18
remarks 18
leave 18
apply 18
majority 18
terms 18
belong 18
wages 17
Senator 17
applied 17
heard 17
prevent 17
refer 17
proceed 17
opportunity 17
whilst 17
moment 17
prepared 17
pay 17
granted 17
local 17
Western Australia 17
casting vote 17
Party 16
mind 16
proper 16
large 16
properly 16
legal 16
asked 16
employed 16
rate 16
operation 16
friends 16
English 16
express 16
authority 16
debt 16
class 16
produced 16
New South Wales 16
United Kingdom 16
United States 16
union trade 16
exclusively 15
product 15
objection 15
referred 15
move 15
dealt 15
Tasmania 15
appointment 15
presented 15
force 15
carried 15
speak 15
individual 15
fees 15
profession 15
nonunionists 15
Imperial Parliament 15
hear 14
intended 14
community 14
fellow 14
entitled 14
body 14
provisions 14
application 14
exist 14
difference 14
interfere 14
protection 14
benefit 14
trade union label 14
union trade mark 14
Labour Party 14
Royal Commission 14
trade unionists 14

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