Tuesday June 07, 1904 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1904-06-07 were: Court, dispute, power, case, Constitution

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday June 07, 1904 were:

Word Frequency
Court 199
dispute 99
power 85
case 82
Constitution 77
definition 74
regard 74
measure 66
men 66
industry 65
agreement 61
law 61
New South Wales 61
desire 59
point 58
Arbitration Court 58
industrial agreement 57
proposal 55
country 54
great 52
proposed 50
deal 49
work 49
union 46
labour 46
employers 45
employment 44
propose 43
persons 43
conditions 43
apply 43
farmers 41
legislation 41
include 40
common rule 40
hours 39
land 38
order 38
view 37
man 37
party 36
trade 35
employes 35
consideration 35
place 35
vessels 35
subject 34
understand 34
reason 33
interests 33
fact 33
connexion 32
kind 32
operation 32
wages 32
asked 31
Registrar 31
doubt 31
leave 31
dealt 30
engaged 30
employed 30
good 30
bring 30
industrial disputes 30
rule 29
term 29
business 29
agricultural 29
brought 29
class 29
objection 29
late Government 29
jurisdiction 28
award 28
limits 27
word 27
referred 27
difficulty 27
port 27
clear 27
industrial matters 27
service 26
Federal 26
force 26
industries 26
workers 26
domestic servants 26
claim 25
find 25
intention 25
stands 25
number 24
railway 24
opinion 24
ships 24
coasting trade 24
experience 23
clauses 23
General 22
intend 22
making 22
object 22
interpretation 21
officers 21
statement 21
attention 21
speak 21
dealing 21
Conciliation and Arbitration 21
industrial 20
organization 20
accept 20
refer 20
hope 20
suggestion 20
vote 20
working 20
servants 19
public 19
hands 19
cows 19
rate 19
mind 19
private 18
labourers 18
advantage 18
considered 18
appears 18
long 18
amount 18
intended 18
carried 18
left 18
remarks 18
instance 18
Judge 18
appeal 18
wide 18
things 18
legal 18
Ave 18
beyond the limits 18
member for Ballarat 18
extend 17
towns 17
relation 17
feel 17
Canada 17
provisions 17
discussion 17
argument 17
simply 17
favour 17
provided 17
reference 17
strike 17
limitation 17
parties 17
Labour Party 17
extending beyond 17
early 16
Commissioners 16
applied 16
answer 16
duties 16
proper 16
pay 16
opposed 16
amendments 16
notice 15
meaning 15
large 15
read 15
cost 15
cover 15
side 15
farming 15
surely 15
aware 15
told 15
support 15
thought 15
reasonable 15
member for Swan 15
private board 15
Arbitration 14
prepared 14
action 14
suggested 14
Cabinet 14
papers 14
prevent 14
special 14
English 14
Defence 14
rise 14
speaking 14
absolutely 14
passed 14

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