Tuesday August 04, 1903 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1903-08-04 were: natives, forces, New Guinea, officers, liquor

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday August 04, 1903 were:

Word Frequency
natives 126
forces 107
New Guinea 107
officers 94
liquor 92
men 78
power 73
Territory 62
law 61
prohibition 61
war 59
ordinance 57
case 56
number 50
proclamation 50
drink 49
permanent forces 48
service 45
persons 45
Northern Melbourne 45
great 44
desire 42
system 42
land 42
Governor General 42
control 41
regard 41
view 38
examination 38
man 37
regulation 36
prevent 36
subject 35
place 35
fact 35
member for Melbourne 34
Melbourne Ports 33
proposal 32
Executive 31
proposed 31
word 31
member for Northern 31
point 30
definition 30
understand 29
duty 28
active service 28
revenue 27
circumstances 27
conditions 27
object 27
kind 27
England 27
time of war 27
agreed to Clause 27
intoxicating liquor 27
military 26
employed 26
country 26
absolutely 26
permanent 25
population 25
move 25
provide 25
find 25
volunteers 25
propose 24
good 24
provided 24
clauses 24
licences 24
call 24
sale of liquor 24
operations 23
passed 23
black 23
naval 22
appointment 22
trade 22
doubt 22
GovernorGeneral 22
naturalized 22
enemy 22
Defence 21
traffic 21
races 21
includes 21
citizen forces 21
require 20
purposes 20
dealing 20
order 20
term 20
prescribed 20
required 20
opinion 20
issue 20
alien 20
British New Guinea 20
British New 20
white people 20
white population 20
sale 19
deal 19
called 19
Council 19
read 19
hope 19
amount 19
stands 19
refer 19
form 19
experience 19
argument 19
English 19
High Court 19
white 18
support 18
appointed 18
long 18
Possession 18
total 18
result 18
permanent men 18
Defence Force 18
limit 17
relating 17
difficulty 17
provisions 17
leave 17
Estimates 17
corps 17
troops 17
member for West 17
South Australia 17
West Sydney 17
attention 16
interests 16
island 16
instance 16
appeal 16
natives of New 16
British subject 16
connexion 15
consideration 15
extent 15
reason 15
carried 15
ordinary 15
direction 15
liable 15
aboriginal 15
objection 15
apply 15
evil 15
women 15
commissions 15
woman 15
threatened invasion 15
General 14
pass 14
report 14
direct 14
considerable 14
brought 14
inserted 14
assent 14
introduction 14
concerned 14
sold 14
licensed 14
measure 14
altogether 14
bottle 14
naturalization 14
married 14
militia 14
HIGGINS Northern Melbourne 14
Mr HIGGINS Northern 14
New South Wales 14
danger of war 14
HIGGINS Northern 14
invasion 13
exists 13
public 13
officials 13
spirits 13
classes 13
vote 13
adopt 13
providing 13
paragraph 13
supply 13
intoxicants 13
large 13
introduced 13
Ministry 13
responsibility 13
making 13

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