Tuesday July 14, 1903 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1903-07-14 were: Empire, Senate, great, defence, appropriation

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday July 14, 1903 were:

Word Frequency
Empire 123
Senate 105
great 100
defence 99
appropriation 89
fleet 88
money 87
Navy 76
naval 72
agreement 68
point 67
ships 65
regard 64
power 63
expenditure 63
Imperial 60
purposes 58
opinion 56
fact 55
view 54
case 54
proposal 53
Constitution 53
England 52
charge or burden 51
Great Britain 50
British 48
proposed law 48
war 47
desire 46
policy 46
contribution 45
taxation 44
increase 44
find 44
squadron 43
terms 42
control 41
charge 40
order 40
nations 39
men 37
forces 37
work 37
country 36
military 36
consideration 34
number 33
kind 33
principle 33
burden 32
Admiralty 32
subject 32
extent 32
large 32
expert 32
Australian Navy 32
argument 31
interests 30
clear 30
reason 30
dealing 30
man 30
pay 30
idea 30
vessels 30
place 29
trade 29
connexion 29
good 29
require 28
amount 28
message 28
cost 28
naval defence 28
public 27
paragraph 27
motion 27
Canada 27
Crown 27
sea 27
services 26
general 26
circumstances 26
measure 26
doubt 26
conditions 26
ports 26
read 25
Bills 25
annual services 25
local 24
provide 24
respect 24
vote 24
proposed charge 24
statement 23
report 23
land 23
prepared 23
pointed 23
authority 22
small 22
word 22
resolution 22
greater 22
protection 22
charge upon 22
form 21
danger 21
may not amend 21
Senate may 21
authorities 20
request 20
future 20
asked 20
duty 20
attention 20
meaning 20
refer 20
increased 20
attack 20
maintenance 20
enemy 20
obligations 20
appropriating revenue 20
deal 19
absolutely 19
difference 19
rights 19
practice 19
originate 19
Suppose 19
coast 19
making 18
hand 18
difficulty 18
ground 18
trouble 18
aid 18
stand 18
boats 18
protect 18
colonies 18
British Navy 18
mother country 18
amend 17
suggestion 17
concerned 17
referred 17
hold 17
called 17
understand 17
raised 17
tax 17
times 17
carry 17
battle 17
face 17
possessions 17
guns 17
Captain Creswell 17
waters 16
South 16
provisions 16
propose 16
simply 16
instance 16
hope 16
passed 16
support 16
Conference 16
ordinary annual services 16
ordinary annual 16
Britain 15
reference 15
true 15
arrangement 15
payment 15
speak 15
prohibition 15
grant 15
meet 15
equally 15
opportunity 15
cruisers 15
increase any proposed 15
law appropriating revenue 15
United Kingdom 15
law appropriating 15
Representatives 14
action 14
required 14
constitutional 14
appears 14
impose 14
involves 14
object 14
suggested 14
total 14

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