Wednesday August 14, 1901 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1901-08-14 were: rates, power, regulations, service, regard

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Wednesday August 14, 1901 were:

Word Frequency
rates 78
power 58
regulations 56
service 55
regard 54
measures 53
mails 51
postal 48
proposal 46
contract 46
business 41
Tariff 39
consideration 39
order 39
Postmaster General 38
public 37
spirits 37
desire 36
reason 35
connexion 33
place 32
prepared 32
dealing 31
New South Wales 31
great 30
case 30
charges 29
point 29
require 29
hope 28
arrangement 28
session 27
opportunity 27
districts 27
facilities 26
subject 26
dealt 25
understand 25
telegraph 24
policy 24
men 24
postage 23
attention 23
find 23
conditions 23
deal 22
British 22
statement 22
Federal 22
making 22
duty 22
side 22
Houses 22
Bills 21
discussion 21
opinion 21
work 21
loss 21
pay 21
Executive 21
law 20
fact 20
purpose 20
officer 20
PostmasterGeneral 20
Post office 20
Ministry 19
absence 19
doubt 19
experience 19
employed 19
laid 19
legislation 18
leave 18
motion 18
kind 18
concerned 18
newspapers 18
guarantee 18
system 17
sitting 17
pass 17
country 17
respect 17
passed 17
uniform 17
difficulty 17
force of law 17
Customs 16
white 16
taxation 16
number 16
large 16
good 16
private 16
view 16
left 16
amount 16
intention 16
practice 16
programme 16
schedule 16
railways 16
Postal department 16
Senate 15
fair 15
required 15
generally 15
provided 15
principle 15
stage 15
enable 15
provide 15
intended 15
asked 15
carried 15
object 15
forward 14
persons 14
introduce 14
result 14
necessity 14
bring 14
things 14
admit 14
free 14
small 14
instance 14
bear 14
hands 14
revenue 14
lines 14
contributions 14
reduction 14
postal facilities 14
cost 13
favour 13
long 13
allowed 13
impossible 13
departments 13
Cabinet 13
convenience 13
special 13
objection 13
provisions 13
simply 13
fixing 13
Post and Telegraph 13
black labour 13
fourteen days 13
Victoria 12
delay 12
brought 12
meet 12
clear 12
stated 12
distillation 12
duties 12
practically 12
postponed 12
fixed 12
thought 12
stand 12
money 12
vote 12
licence 12
stills 12
request 12
proposed 12
penny postage 12
public business 12
white labour 12
Legislature 11
considerable 11
method 11
notice 11
moment 11
carry 11
future 11
material 11
man 11
absolutely 11
Constitution 11
Queensland 11
extent 11
meaning 11
vignerons 11
form 11
involve 11
lascar 11
expenditure 11
contribute 11
outlying 11
within fourteen days 11
Governor General 11
second reading 11
within fourteen 11
steamers 10
presented 10

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