Tuesday July 02, 1901 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1901-07-02 were: officer, case, service, public service, word

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Tuesday July 02, 1901 were:

Word Frequency
officer 224
case 144
service 104
public service 89
word 86
commissioner 85
power 80
man 77
leave 71
public servants 65
salary 61
pay 60
Governor General 58
amount 57
point 54
holidays 52
move 51
permanent head 51
regulations 50
business 48
New South Wales 48
proposal 47
number 46
men 46
order 46
paid 45
persons 45
insurance 44
rent 44
proposed 44
railway 43
provided 43
object 43
examination 43
report 41
good 40
provisions 40
societies 40
public 38
deal 38
inserted 38
purpose 36
hands 36
system 35
age 35
duties 34
propose 33
work 33
assurance 32
salaries 32
place 32
reason 32
regard 31
Amendment agreed 31
suggested 30
cent 30
per annum 30
find 29
fact 29
subject 29
employment 28
company 28
principle 28
apply 28
doubt 28
appointment 28
civil servants 28
companies 27
difficulty 27
transfer 27
employed 27
read 26
debt 26
twelve months 26
servants 25
connexion 25
charged 25
desire 25
kind 25
intended 24
understand 24
pension 24
provide 24
objection 24
meet 24
payment 24
Home Affairs 24
division 23
fund 23
sum 23
money 23
suggestion 23
offices 23
offence 23
leave of absence 23
circumstances 22
form 22
employes 22
allowance 22
class 22
hope 22
paragraph 22
New Zealand 22
railway service 22
view 21
wages 21
receive 21
building 21
accept 21
period 21
scheme 21
agreed to Clause 21
consideration 20
large 20
inquiry 20
rate 20
Victoria 20
pass 20
candidates 20
East Sydney 20
South Australia 20
chief officer 20
board 19
fair 19
feel 19
necessity 19
ordinary 19
attention 19
proper 19
stand 19
opportunity 19
prepared 19
benefits 19
court 19
method 19
bring 19
guarantee 19
charge 18
require 18
direct 18
small 18
opinion 18
terms 18
lives 18
carry 18
providing 18
night 18
interest 18
policy 18
great 17
Council 17
granted 17
fixed 17
private 17
considered 17
making 17
open 17
officer shall 17
absence 16
allowed 16
generally 16
quarters 16
practically 16
intend 16
intention 16
fit 16
limited 16
carrying 16
continue 16
insure 16
Governor General may 16
view to insert 16
General may 16
lieu thereof 16
life 15
half 15
altogether 15
extra 15
basis 15
desirable 15
appears 15
Surely 15
simply 15
Mr REID East 15
REID East Sydney 15
Mr Fenton 15
Mr REID 15
REID East 15
full pay 15
permanent 14
appointed 14
salaried 14
called 14
rights 14
compelled 14
remain 14
addition 14
side 14
referred 14
dealing 14

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