Thursday June 27, 1901 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1901-06-27 were: officer, case, men, man, service

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Thursday June 27, 1901 were:

Word Frequency
officer 198
case 119
men 111
man 96
service 81
order 70
commissioner 68
work 67
general 66
proposal 65
power 64
examination 58
charge 54
permanent head 51
board 50
persons 49
professional division 47
companies 44
South Australia 44
system 43
number 40
regard 40
expenses 39
public service 39
report 38
reason 38
guarantee 38
clerical division 38
public servants 38
word 37
transferred 37
business 37
division 36
public 36
pay 36
civil servants 36
provided 34
provisions 33
place 32
move 32
general division 32
assurance 31
point 31
desire 31
life assurance 31
fund 30
provide 30
scheme 30
great 29
view 29
experience 29
assurance companies 29
hands 28
deal 28
employed 28
transfer 28
paid 28
appointment 28
regulations 28
principle 28
fact 28
pension 28
prevent 27
consideration 27
amount 27
promotion 27
inserted 26
Governor General 26
temporary employment 26
offence 25
State assurance 25
servants 24
passed 24
Victoria 24
hope 24
member for Bourke 24
inquiry 23
good 23
kind 23
connexion 23
leave 23
evidence 23
chief officer 23
permanent 22
private 22
require 22
subject 22
find 22
list 21
propose 21
allowed 21
conditions 21
carried 21
Sir William 21
employes 20
privileges 20
pass 20
class 20
accept 20
assure 19
money 19
extent 19
making 19
object 19
bring 19
member for South 19
temporary 18
clerical 18
receive 18
required 18
proposed 18
instance 18
support 18
rights 18
understand 18
payment 18
compel 18
New South Wales 18
board of inquiry 18
life 17
stand 17
necessity 17
attention 17
open 17
start 17
premiums 17
considered 16
refer 16
statement 16
standing 16
appointed 16
meet 16
prepared 16
conducted 16
offices 16
law 16
head 15
large 15
opinion 15
compelled 15
opportunity 15
absolutely 15
objection 15
official 15
withdraw 15
recommendation 15
agent 15
assured 15
Sir William Lyne 15
South Australia Mr 15
agreed to Clause 15
William Lyne 15
temporarily employed 15
prescribed 14
clauses 14
departments 14
representative 14
period 14
considerable 14
working 14
rate 14
reasonable 14
mind 14
adopted 14
benefit 14
policies 14
bonuses 14
sound 14
Home Affairs 14
temporary hands 14
assurance fund 14
company 13
called 13
trouble 13
fair 13
difficulty 13
hear 13
unnecessary 13
circumstances 13
long 13
Victorian 13
admit 13
held 13
allowance 13
charged 13
feel 13
accused 13
society 13
death 13
profits 13
Constitution 13
Amendment agreed 13
Attorney General 13
officer shall 13
private companies 13
age 12
entitled 12
lives 12
referred 12

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