Friday June 14, 1901 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1901-06-14 were: Senate, Appropriation Bill, Supply Bill, Constitution, Bills

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday June 14, 1901 were:

Word Frequency
Senate 106
Appropriation Bill 71
Supply Bill 58
Constitution 44
Bills 40
Appropriation 35
form 35
message 35
preamble 32
order 30
details 30
power 29
House of Representatives 29
money 27
deal 24
point 24
items 23
suggestions 23
practice 23
Estimates 23
rights 21
Supply 20
motion 20
privileges 20
consideration 19
grant 19
ordinary 18
adopted 18
regard 18
schedule 17
granted 17
proposed law 17
expenditure 15
constitutional 15
Treasurer 14
passed 14
purposes 14
standing orders 14
read 13
principle 13
connexion 13
sums 13
case 12
Majesty 12
simply 12
two Houses 12
Houses 11
occasion 11
referred 11
propose 11
trouble 11
proposed 10
fact 10
prepared 10
place 10
desire 10
taxation 10
dealing 10
distinction 10
South Australia 10
annual services 10
law 9
view 9
Legislature 9
move 9
careful 9
absolutely 9
understand 9
work 9
entitled 9
admit 9
action 9
clear 9
circumstances 9
future 9
practically 9
ordinary annual 9
revenue 8
great 8
wage 8
Legislative 8
find 8
table 8
considered 8
reason 8
opinion 8
hours 8
Victoria 8
amend 8
reference 8
undoubtedly 8
enable 8
session 8
previous 8
moment 8
amended 8
originate 8
New South Wales 8
ordinary annual services 8
services 7
asked 7
refer 7
attention 7
opportunity 7
brought 7
discussed 7
notice 7
business 7
payments 7
man 7
employers 7
generally 7
responsible 7
maintain 7
Assembly 7
feel 7
dealt 7
result 7
Supplies 7
appropriated 7
difficulty 7
dignity 7
assert 7
form of preamble 7
Money Bills 7
Northern Melbourne 7
laid 6
appropriating 6
report 6
return 6
meet 6
Railways 6
mistake 6
word 6
paper 6
allowed 6
number 6
resolution 6
reasonable 6
speak 6
affirmative 6
adopt 6
instance 6
objection 6
amendments 6
making 6
sense 6
suspension 6
introduced 6
procedure 6
particulars 6
stand 6
hope 6
agreed 6
unnecessary 6
member for Bendigo 6
revenue or moneys 6
Consolidated Revenue 6
Question resolved 6
co ordinate 6
free gift 6
great deal 6
minimum wage 6
Representatives 5
Council 5
General 5
Solomon 5
Elections 5
direct 5
Commissioner 5
glad 5
persons 5
discussing 5
statement 5
copy 5
Premier 5
submitted 5
kind 5
public 5
contracts 5
called 5
experience 5
good 5
disputes 5
set 5
face 5
apply 5
attached 5
parliamentary 5
sufficient 5
proper 5
send 5
minds 5
represent 5
arisen 5
showing 5
inadvertence 5
adopting 5
surrender 5
suggested 5

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