Friday June 07, 1901 | House of Representatives – Australian Parliament

The top 5 words mentioned on 1901-06-07 were: motion, prayer, order, return, read

The 200 most common words used in parliament on Friday June 07, 1901 were:

Word Frequency
motion 80
prayer 55
order 30
return 29
read 27
number 25
Customs 23
duty 21
statistics 21
desire 20
chaplain 19
hope 18
man 18
word 18
paragraph 17
form 16
subject 15
view 15
paid 14
Victoria 14
member for Tasmania 14
move 13
Tariff 13
religious 13
beg to move 13
proposed 12
work 12
males and females 12
industry 11
asked 11
opinion 11
great 11
statisticians 11
basis 11
adults 11
minimum 11
articles 11
rate 10
duties 10
good 10
moved 10
public 10
quantities 10
hands 10
industries 9
consideration 9
suggestion 9
session 9
prepared 9
purpose 9
affirmative 9
Church 9
men 9
inserted 9
fact 9
hear 9
employes 9
factory 9
laid 8
doubt 8
sitting 8
attention 8
Constitution 8
place 8
objection 8
representatives 8
refer 8
object 8
compiled 8
factories 8
Standing Orders Committee 8
day s rest 8
Amendment agreed 8
Orders Committee 8
Standing Orders 8
average number 8
persons employed 8
wishes 7
head 7
churches 7
guidance 7
resolution 7
Queensland 7
difference 7
point 7
leave 7
period 7
Mr O Malley 7
customs or excise 7
form of prayer 7
South Australia 7
Tasmania Mr 7
wages paid 7
age 6
Federal 6
Lord 6
distinguishing 6
business 6
notice 6
kind 6
reading 6
denomination 6
opening 6
proceedings 6
recognition 6
blessing 6
feeling 6
Christian 6
Sydney 6
Melbourne 6
open 6
case 6
propose 6
reverence 6
deal 6
cover 6
appointed 6
large 6
reason 6
principle 6
difficulty 6
raw 6
labour 6
employment 6
entered 6
complete 6
New South Wales 6
Sir Philip Fysh 6
Tasmania Sir Philip 6
opened with prayer 6
rest in seven 6
years of age 6
Almighty God 6
Philip Fysh 6
Sir Philip 6
Tasmania Sir 6
several industries 6
employed 5
God 5
steps 5
received 5
General 5
statistical 5
require 5
receive 5
site 5
offer 5
terms 5
mentioned 5
appeal 5
concerned 5
imported 5
knowledge 5
faith 5
high 5
arrangements 5
adopted 5
practice 5
uniform 5
sense 5
occasion 5
extent 5
raised 5
pay 5
accept 5
vote 5
mover 5
sufficient 5
latest 5
stands 5
sources 5
divisions 5
draw 5
departments 5
extra 5
Defence 5
consumption 5
House a return 5
Public Service Bill 5
member for Kooyong 5
number of persons 5
rate of customs 5
Public Service 5
Service Bill 5
excise duties 5
excise duty 5
horse power 5
present protected 5
respective States 5
Lord s Prayer 4
Minister for Trade 4
Question as amended 4
Trade and Customs 4
average wages paid 4
customs and excise 4
press the amendment 4
schedule of exemptions 4
31st December 4
Federal Parliament 4
Legislative Council 4

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